Into The Deep
“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”
Nature plays a significant role in healthy living and the existence of life on planet earth. A home for different living beings and we all are dependent on the environment for food, air, water, and other relative needs. Therefore, it is critical for every individual to save and protect our environment and have healthy breathing space.
Creating awareness about our environment is of extreme importance because it can help to minimise the damage caused due to destruction caused by industrialisation, pollution and modernisation leading to Global warming, climatic changes, etc.
It can also lead to a more sustainable world by promoting the use of renewable energy resources like wind, water and solar energy rather than use of coal, oil etc which wont last forever and a very polluting to the environment.
Human beings are cutting down trees and plants in unthinkable numbers, subjecting it to destruction and playing with the natural resources, due to which the environment is being harmed tremendously. Not only this, due to some manmade reasons, the atmosphere, is showing signs of depletion, which is very dangerous for human health.
Therefore, understanding the importance of environment, and its safelty is of utmost importance.
In my Art exhibition, titled,
Being held at the
Kalaghoda, Mumbai.
From 30th August 2022 to 5th September 2022.
I have tried to emphasise the beauty and importance of Nature and the tearing need to attend to the wake up call, to save mother earth. The need to grow more trees and in turn promote healthy living.
The many paintings in different hues focus on the beauty of the many seasons we witness due to existance of Nature.
This Exhibition of paintings throws light on the crying need to focus on the Environment, through the focus on the beauty of Nature and if we do not wake up to this cause, we will soon loose it. And it would just be a memory. How the destruction of Nature is indirectly related to rise in deadly diseases such as Cancer and other life threatening illnesses leading to millions perishing. Through this Art Exhibition, the artist hopes to create awareness amongst the viewers.